Home PC games After a long train of farces, The Day Before devs put out statement decrying ‘disinformation’ about their game

After a long train of farces, The Day Before devs put out statement decrying ‘disinformation’ about their game

by Alan Garcia
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The Day Before, a survival-horror game developed by Fntastic, was once considered one of the most highly anticipated games on Steam. However, in recent months, the game has been plagued by what the developers call “disinformation and lack of fact-checking.” In a statement released on Twitter last night, the developers decried the negative impact that this “disinformation” has had on the game, as well as the mental toll it has taken on the team members.

The developers behind The Day Before have been at the forefront of a growing trend in the gaming industry of developers taking a more proactive stance when it comes to disputing misinformation and addressing concerns about their games. This trend is largely driven by the increasing number of games that have been released in recent years that have been mired in controversy and criticism, particularly when it comes to the way they are marketed and the way they are perceived by players.

The statement from Fntastic is particularly relevant in light of the growing concern among gamers and the wider gaming community about the increasing prevalence of misinformation in discussions about video games. This trend is not limited to just The Day Before, but has become a problem that affects the entire gaming industry. In many cases, false information is spread about a game in order to drive clicks and generate buzz, regardless of the impact that this might have on the game or its developers.

The impact of this type of misinformation can be substantial, not only on the developers themselves, but also on other small and medium-sized studios that might be looking to release similar games. The negative impact on the mental health of team members is also a serious concern, and one that is becoming increasingly recognized within the industry.

In their statement, the developers behind The Day Before stressed the importance of fact-checking and responsible reporting, particularly when it comes to discussions about video games. They pointed out that disinfo can be especially harmful to smaller studios and independent developers, who may not have the resources to effectively combat it.

Despite the challenges posed by disinformation and lack of fact-checking, the developers behind The Day Before remain committed to bringing their vision for the game to life. They have promised to continue working hard to create a game that is true to their original vision, while also addressing the concerns and feedback they have received from the gaming community.

In conclusion, The Day Before serves as a cautionary tale for both developers and players alike. It highlights the importance of responsible reporting and fact-checking when it comes to discussions about video games, and the negative impact that disinfo can have on both the game itself and the mental health of its developers. The developers behind The Day Before are to be commended for their bravery in speaking out about this issue, and for their continued commitment to bringing their game to life despite the challenges they face.

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